Welcome to GSA Middle School Athletics Home Page
Gateway Science Academy (GSA) recognizes the important role extra-curricular activities play in the development of student values. All students are encouraged to participate in the school's extra-curricular program. There is a large expense associated with providing a wide range of extra-curricular opportunities for GSA Middle and High School students.
Athletic Policies and Procedures
The purpose of this handbook is to provide a guide for Gateway Science Academy Middle and High School parents and students regarding policies, procedures and responsibilities related to interscholastic sports. A major goal of the interscholastic athletic program is to involve as many student athletes as possible in an educationally sound and successful manner.
Salih Cavdar currently serves as the Athletic Director for GSA Middle and High School. A major responsibility of the Athletic Director is to assist all coaches in the implementation of athletic programs and to provide students with the finest athletic program possible. Should you have any questions regarding general athletic program policies or procedures please contact Mr. Cavdar at 314-261-4361 ext. 127, or [email protected]
The entire athletic program must work within the framework of the overall school program. No program can be successful without the cooperation and support of the community we serve. We hope that you find this information useful as you and your child begin your experience at GSA. Best of luck in all your athletic endeavors.
GSA Spectator Expectations and Standards of Sportsmanship
All students and children must be accompanied by their parent/guardian and must be under the supervision of that adult at all times
All parents, guardians, and supporters will conduct themselves in a positive sportsman-like manner with the shared understanding that interscholastic competitions should be played in a safe environment which promotes learning and growth for all scholar-athletes.
Students should support their team and display good sportsmanship. Cheering, chanting, and positive encouragement are all encouraged, but spectators should avoid disrespectful behavior or offensive language.
Negative remarks, vulgar language, unwarranted physical interaction, destruction of property, and verbal and/or physical altercations are direct violations of positive sportsmanship and could result in the following:
- Removal at competition,
- Inability to attend future competitions for all or a portion of the season,
- Future disciplinary action by the school or outside authorities (as specified in the GSA Code of Conduct).
This document does not supersede the GSA Code of Conduct. Please be aware that discipline imposed by a school may carry a greater action than the sanctions listed above.
The following are guidelines for all spectators to promote positive sportsmanship:
- Spectators will respect all coaches, umpires/officials, administrators, and other spectators.
- Do not engage in physical or verbal intimidation, or abuse towards any player, official, umpire, coach, or spectator.
- Spectators must always remain off the playing surface, including during halftime.
- Respect all facilities and equipment.
- Spectators should remain in their designated seating section.
- Comply with any directives from facility supervisors, administrators and/or event staff.
- Spectators will cheer for their team in a positive manner.
- Do not use disparaging remarks towards the other teams).
Spectators will:
- Not use artificial noisemakers.
- Remain fully clothed.
- Not throw any objects into stands or onto event surfaces.
Spectators will clean up after themselves:
- Clean up after themselves and dispose of trash properly, whether at a school gymnasium, an outdoor field, or another venue.
Failure to comply with expectations could result in denial of admission or removal from sporting events.
All attendees acknowledge and agree to be positive examples for our scholar-athletes and accept responsibility for their actions as participants and spectators of athletics with GSA.
GSA Athletics Administration
Parent Consent and Concussion Information Fact Sheet
All the forms in FinalForms (formerly PRIVIT) will need to be signed by a parent is required for all students to try out for a GSA Athletics Team.
- Prior to trying out for any athletic team, a Concussion Information Fact Sheet should be read and the concussion acknowledgement form signed by the parent and student/athlete on FinalForms.
Physical Examinations
Appropriate Behavior
Playing Time